Name of Williston Facilities in BCCSD

The Barnwell County Consolidated School District is
currently accepting comments and/or requests for the
naming of the Williston-Elko Auditorium. Naming requests
must come from a school or community group. Individuals
are not permitted to submit requests. As it stands, we
have received one request. The Williston-Elko Arts
Department has requested to name the auditorium in
memory of Mrs. Linda Alsept, a beloved teacher and
Drama Coach at Williston-Elko High School. 
Criteria for the Naming of Facilities(Policy FF): 
 Should have special significance and/or has made an
outstanding contribution to the school or school
 Has been deceased for at least three years
 The nominating group must agree to provide
appropriate recognition such as a plaque, portrait, or
marker for the school
Comments and or further request should be addressed to
David W. Corder, Superintendent via email at
[email protected]
The deadline for comments and/or requests to the
superintendent will be May 31, 2024.